Success Story

Paddles with a Purpose: The Bison Paddles Story
Inspiration struck Colin Peterson and his business partner in an unlikely place: at the Utah State University recreation center during a casual game of pickleball. They realized that pickleball paddles were either lackluster in quality or exorbitantly priced. Recognizing a gap in the market, Collin and his partner set out to create Bison Paddles – durable, stylish, and affordable alternatives for the average player.
Bison Paddles has a special philanthropic twist: a portion of each paddle purchased goes toward the National Buffalo Foundation, a nonprofit organization committed to preserving and protecting the American Bison, a species that was previously hunted to the brink of extinction.
“We strongly believe we have uniquely designed and great-looking paddles,” Collin explains. “But besides that, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pickleball paddle company that donates a portion of their profits toward a cause. We like to say our paddles have a purpose!”
“The SBDC has given us guidance in obtaining grants and other opportunities to expand our business internationally… Their team members have a vast amount of business experience and have helped steer us in the right direction.”
– Todd Edwards
When they first set out on their business venture, Collin and his business partner were college students with no money and no business experience. It was also the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most challenging times to start a business in recent history. But they didn’t let that stop them, and they now encourage other potential entrepreneurs to find ways to overcome challenges and follow their business dreams.
“There will always be naysayers and people who will convince you that it won’t work,” Collin says. “Even if it doesn’t work, you will still come out on top by having that valuable knowledge.”
When it came time to launch their business, one of the resources they used was the SBDC. Their counselor, Mark Holmes, helped them find several lines of funding and create a marketing plan to attract a more diverse customer base.
“Having a contact like Mark at SBDC was insanely valuable,” Collin says. “Even just being able to lay out your thoughts to a business professional is a great way to get the ball rolling on business endeavors.”
Bison Paddles are now located in several retail locations, on Amazon.com, and on their own e-commerce website. One of the most satisfying parts to Collin is the fact that Bison Paddles are being used across the country.
“We hope that our affordable and durable paddles help bring people together while learning this fun and exciting sport,” Collin says.
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