Success Story

Churning Dreams into Reality at the Mountain Born Creamery
Life is full of surprises, and nothing was as surprising as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Like many others, Baylee Sorenson took this time as a much-needed pause to reflect on who she truly was and what her passion would be. She purchased raw cream from a friend and dove headfirst into the world of butter.
Baylee began exploring how to make premium butter, researching the best techniques and discovering which flavors she could experiment with. She also considered the struggles of the dairy industry and how she could play a role in making improvements. She then decided to take it to a professional level – she wanted to bring artisan butter to Utah.
But a passion for butter wouldn’t be enough to get Mountain Born Creamery off the ground. Resources, connections, and a microfund grant from the SBDC gave her business the extra support it needed to get started.
Baylee worked closely with her SBDC counselor, Shawn Beus, to make her dream a reality.
“The SBDC has given us guidance in obtaining grants and other opportunities to expand our business internationally… Their team members have a vast amount of business experience and have helped steer us in the right direction.”
– Todd Edwards
“Shawn provided assistance as a sounding board for my ideas and expansion,”
Baylee says. “I appreciate his constant support and vote of confidence in me.”
Baylee has a simple yet profound goal: to create incredible food supporting the type of local agriculture Utah desperately needs. She wants to challenge the notion that the best butters come exclusively from Europe.
It’s not just about the great taste. Baylee firmly believes it is a “new day for dairy,” and her business can be part of the change. Mountain Born Creamery focuses on locally sourced cream, local food systems, plastic-free packaging, quality of life for dairy cows, and transparency with the supply chain and partner dairies.
“At Mountain Born Creamery, I’m passionate about creating positive change wherever I can in a way that connects a community,” she says. “Food has the power to do that, and Mountain Born reflects those ambitions.”
She encourages other entrepreneurs to work hard, be creative, and be open to new opportunities.
“Life has a way of throwing us surprises,” she says. “Never would I have dreamed this is where I would have landed, and yet, I’m so happy I’m here!”
Business Assisted by The SBDC At: