Success Story

Brent and Teresa Boylan took a risk. They decided they wanted to open a new restaurant in their hometown with no experience running a business on this scale. Plans were made, counseling was sought, property was leased, and recipes became realities. Grandma Berta’s Kitchen was born!
Brent and Teresa came to the SBDC in Ephraim from the very beginning of Grandma Berta’s Kitchen. “Without the SBDC, we wouldn’t have done this,” Teresa said.
They received help from Tim Chamberlain and the Ephraim staff on the many aspects of how to start a business, the legalities of getting started, restaurant basics such as pricing, loan application review, and most importantly, encouragement. Moreover, the Boylans learned the importance of social media and marketing through the SBDC.
“Without the SBDC, we wouldn’t have done this.” – Teresa Boylan
“Most of all, they were and are a continuous encouraging voice as we move through the obstacles and challenges in getting started and being new,” Teresa said.
Teresa has been a baker for many years, perfecting her sweet treats for her children’s friends and her neighbors. As a child, she learned that she could eat what she wanted to eat if she made the food. This gave her the ability to experiment with food and make it her way.
Teresa began working at the Manti Temple cafeteria in 2013, where she started as a dishwasher and then moved up to a cook. She was able to improve the quality of the food by making it from scratch. When she was told the temple would be closing for renovations, she knew it was time to start her own restaurant.
Now she offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Grandma Berta’s Kitchen, which is bringing life to their small community. Locals are excited to see the restaurant open again. The Boylans strive to create an inviting, home-like space for customers and team members alike. It is best summed up in their slogan: “Welcome home, dinner is ready!”
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