88 So. Tooele Blvd
Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 248-1892
M-F 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
As one of the fastest growing counties in the state, both in population and in economic activity, Tooele County is positioning itself as a leader in innovation and business. This growth depends upon our local businesses and their success competing in a diversified marketplace. As such, the Tooele Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a vital part of our local business community, providing services to the many businesses in the county. The Tooele Valley SBDC is part of a statewide network of business experts who specialize in small business development. Areas of expertise and free services include business planning and counseling, feasibility analysis, financial management, strategic marketing, and capital investment assistance and training.
From 2011-2017, and re-established in 2018, the Tooele Valley SBDC has worked with over 225 of our local businesses and start-ups to see them grow and contribute to our local economy. This resource is available as a public service through the support of Utah State University, Tooele Technical College and our local municipal governments, with additional support from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and the Small Business Administration.