Price, Utah 84051
McDonald Career Center #201F
In partnership with Utah State University – Eastern Campus, the Price Small Business Development Center (SBDC) serves the Carbon and Emery Counties. The center offers a broad range of resources to assist small business owners in entrepreneurial education, advocacy and business development.
The Price SBDC is located on the Utah State University – Eastern Campus in Price. The SBDC provides services at no cost to residents of Carbon and Emery counties with an entrepreneurial spirit, seeking to start of grow a business, or, evaluate business practices and company direction. The combined population of both counties is approximately 32,000 and there are approximately 1,300 businesses within the region.
The majority of clients at the SBDC are in the pre-startup stage of business development. To facilitate small business owner success, the SBDC provides consulting sessions, trainings and advocacy services to help businesses maintain success, thrive, and contribute to the economic sustainability of the region.